Keep it cool!

We calculate and compensate your carbon impact

Step 1

Send your data

Step 2

We calculate your footprint

Step 3

We generate a report and compensate your emissions

Knowing your carbon footprint nowadays is a must.

We do it fast, we do it right.


Tn CO2 calculated


Benchmarked companies


Tn CO2 compensated


  • Scope 1 & 2

  • Small/Medium business (up to 100 employees)

  • Written Report

  • Results presentation (1-hour meeting)

  • Emissions reduction and compensation recommendations

USD 297

  • Scope 1, 2 & 3

  • Small/Medium business (up to 100 employees)

  • Written report

  • Results presentation (1-hour meeting)

  • Emissions reduction and compensation recommendations

USD 997

  • Scope 1, 2 & 3

  • Big business (more than 100 employees)

  • Written report

  • Results presentation (1-hour meeting)

  • Emissions reduction and compensation recommendations

USD 1497

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